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Brittney stoneburg

outreach & events coordinator
Western science center

Hi! My name is Brittney Stoneburg, and while I’m not from Los Angeles I am a Southern California native! I’m a first generation feminist scientist who is a huge geek and is pretty darn obsessed with bones, books, and her plant collection.

I’m the Marketing & Events Specialist for the Western Science Center in Hemet, CA, the largest natural history museum in Riverside County. My job consists of a little bit of everything - planning events, managing the museum’s social media feeds, graphic design,  developing programs and whatever else might need doing. I also do fieldwork and research (currently I’m 3D scanning a bunch of Ice Age fossils!) when I can.

Unlike Gabe and Michelle, I actually don’t have a degree in science (yet, anyway)! I have a Bachelor of Arts in English. I had always loved science and paleontology growing up, but I didn’t have great math grades and I was steered away from those subjects in school. A chance visit to the La Brea Tar Pits after I graduated made me realize how much I wanted to go back to my original love of museums and paleontology - so I started volunteering at WSC and the rest is history!


Find Brittney online
Twitter & Instagram: @brittandbone